Seniors Helping Seniors

Friday, June 15, 2012

Governor Proclaims June 15 Elder and Vulnerable Adult Abuse Day

This is good news for Michigan. Seniors Helping Seniors In-home Services is for many families the eyes and ears for their seniors. Many seniors who do not have trusted family nearby rely on us to keep them safe. For your seniors personal care when you can't be there(R)

Governor Proclaims June 15 Elder and Vulnerable Adult Abuse Day
Administration continues commitment to the safety and well-being of older adults

LANSING –Governor Rick Snyder has proclaimed June 15, 2012 as Elder and Vulnerable Adult Abuse Day, in conjunction with World Elder Abuse Day.  This proclamation, in addition to strong support for a package of elder abuse bills, further exemplifies the Administration’s commitment to protecting older adults throughout the state.

According to Kari Sederburg, OSA Director, “Vulnerable adult abuse is one of Michigan’s fastest growing crimes, with an estimated 80,000 victims each year.  Sadly, these people are suffering, often in silence, because Michigan does not have adequate tools and resources to protect and support victims and improve prevention and prosecution efforts.”

Governor Snyder has actively supported the 18-bill bipartisan package of elder abuse bills that provide long overdue reforms including increased criminal penalties, provisions for video-taped testimony, required training for employees of financial institutions, improved coordination between state and local authorities, and a silver alert program.  Most of the bills in the package have been introduced in previous legislative sessions.

“We are fortunate to have a Governor who understands that Michigan’s elders and vulnerable adults are valued community members who deserve to live with respect and dignity, and that we can do more as a state to protect them for abuse, neglect and exploitation,” said Sederburg.

Ten of the 18 bills have passed both the House and Senate and are heading to the Governor’s desk to be signed into law. The other eight (8) bills are still in committee. Additional information on senior protections can be found in "the elder protection" at

The Office of Services to the Aging is an agency of the State of Michigan whose mission is to provide leadership, innovation, advocacy, and policy on behalf of Michigan’s older adults and their caregivers.  For more information contact the Office of Services to the Aging at
(517) 373-8230 or visit

Seniors Helpings Seniors In-Home Services is a national organization with 200 offices around the country to serve seniors. Our mission is to help seniors maintain their independence in their own home with the dignity and respect they deserve by finding caring and compassionate seniors who want meaningful employment helping other seniors. Seniors Helping Seniors is the fastest growing senior care franchise in the state of Michigan - now with 14 offices in the state with plans to open a dozen more over the next 2 years.